Friday, April 22, 2016

Blog 22" Independent Component 2

(a) “I,  Jocelyn  Sanchez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30  hours of work.”

(b) Sources

(c) Throughout the course of these last several months, Katie Lopez and myself set off to create an online campaign in order to help create awareness among teenagers, in order to do so we created a suicide prevention website such as the one by the Trevor Project, Teen Line Online and the Suicide Prevention Association. However as I looked into these websites, I noticed that they did not provide enough information to create a motivational support system or even had a forum for recommended aid, such as therapy, chat lines, support groups or even the effectiveness of these forums for individuals. In order to ensure that there was one, we created a “super” website which included all of this information, which can also be found on the link below, as posting is pending on  a blog schedule as set by my partner, Katie. While i focused on the research and background of the website, Katie focused on the aesthetic and importance of different mediums to complete our IC.  
Link to Information:

(d) How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped.
While creating this website I began to see the flaws in the current suicide prevention campaigns where they focus on one aspect, such as online chats or in person contact and often do not provide enough information to help an individual. Although some websites do provide steps, there is yet to we a site aside from our own that encompasses the topics of each on of these aspects. With having all the information needed on one forum, helping another person will be a simpler task than as presented before. Since I was responsible for research, I was able to first hand see the time the is necessary to put all of these forums in one place. It takes a lot of time, but with motivation it is worth saving lives.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Blog 21: Fourth Interview Reflection

1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview?  
The most important aspect that I learned from this interview with Patricia Janice Overley has been the ever growing necessity of support through the process of suicide and the effort needed to come back, after a loved one passed by suicide. Now more than ever it is necessary to be able to understand how the suicide of a close relative or friend can take a toll on an individual, and seeking help in a support group is one way of getting the emotional and social support, especially when everyone has had similar experiences and can relate to one another. Without any stigma, people can share their experiences with complete strangers but create a bond and a support system that can help different individuals evolve and move forward if that is the case.

2.  How will what I learned affect my final lesson?
This interview has allowed me to focus on my third answer which is finding support for yourself and for the person who is at risk. Overall Ms. Overley was able to explain the importance of suicide prevention through support, a tool often forgotten in the time of help. Suicide prevention is more than taking someone to the proper psychologist, but about knowing the proper support and help that an individual may need. For some people, a support group works effectively, for others a one on one meeting will be sufficient, however for some both of these are necessary, and depending on the age group, even online chats can become appropriate.