The image above is taken from my mentor's website which entails her credentials and other information regarding her practice.
1. Who is your mentor and where do they work? If their workplace does not reflect their expertise, what makes them an expert?
My mentor is Dr. Maureen Burney and her current place of employment is at the Chino Mental Health Associates, where she works as the director of psychology for her private practice of therapy.
What I believe makes my mentor an expert, is not just the years of study she did to complete her doctorate in psychology, but also the time, dedication and mass experience in different branches within the the overarching dome that is psychology; having it be work with troubled children or in the suicide unit at the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center, my mentor has reached out to each branch in order to get a taste of what each one is like.
2. What five questions will you ask them about their background?
- Was the field of psychology something that you always knew you would be invested in or was it something you discovered when you entered college?
- What made you decide to become a private practitioner?
- What type of experiences would you say are the most beneficial when you decided what branch of psychology you wanted to specialize in?
- How many years have you dedicated your life in the field of psychology?
- What would you consider the most rewarding aspect of your career?
- In addition to having sessions with patients, what is demanded from you as a therapist (patients, maintaining license, seminars, etc.)?